(via Scenestr.com)

"The venue itself was populated by a sea of flashing devils horns and a near-uniform sea of AC/DC t-shirts. Generations stood side by side as parents beamed with glazed smiles next to their nervous looking teenagers, a rites of passage passed on from parent to child through the medium of massive riffs…

With a wall of Marshall amplifiers piled high at the back of the stage, the opening notes that explode from Angus’s Gibson guitar felt like it was peeling the skin back from your face, as though sticking your head in a jet engine. Despite his 60 years of debauched living, Angus bounds around the stage in his velour school-uniform outfit with trademark youthful abandon, singer Brian Johnson joining him in his hyperactivity levels.

AC/DC Brisbane Show Review!

With an encore of 'Highway To Hell' and 'For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)', it’s a huge ending to a fantastic show. Though few words were spoken by the band between songs, Johnson takes a moment early on to admit “Brisbane, it’s been too long”. Never a truer word has been spoken. "…Read the full Scenestr review here.

AC/DC Brisbane Show Review!